ARCH Commission

Metal Banners


The ARCH Commission is an advisory Commission to the Tenino City Council and the Mayor and is part of the City’s Executive Branch.  The purpose of the Commission is to propose the ways and means of integrating the areas of The Arts, Recreation, Culture, and History into the City’s Comprehensive Plan, and all other Economic Development plans and efforts of the City, and to advise the Mayor and City Council on matters concerning the Arts, Recreation, Culture, History & Business.

Upon its establishment, the ARCH Commission subsumed the City's Park Commission, which no longer exists as a separate entity.

The requirements to serve on the ARCH Commission are:

  • You must be the age of legal majority.
  • You must be a resident of the Tenino School District.
  • You must have a High School Diploma (or the equivalent).


Our Current Commissioners are:  

  • Donna Taylor Mayo: (Chair) Representing Arts
  • David Montgomery: Representing Recreation
  • Robert McKenzieSullivan: Representing Culture
  • Robert Newgard: Representing History
  • Joyce Worrell: Representing Business

Currently No Vacancies.  If you are interested in serving on the ARCH Commission, please complete an Application for Commission Vacancy and submit it to the Clerk/Treasurer either by mail, email, fax, or drop it by City Hall during normal business hours (T-Th, 8-4)